Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/California State University Sacramento/ENVS 10H (Spring 2019)

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Course name
California State University Sacramento
Julian Fulton
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Intro to Environmental Science
Course dates
2019-01-23 00:00:00 UTC – 2019-05-08 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

This course introduces students to environmental science and the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies. The primary focus of the course is the earth, its ecosystems, and the influence of humans on ecosystems. Students will acquire a basic understanding of the types, structure, and function of ecosystems, the impacts of human activity on ecosystems, and the tools used to measure and manage human impacts. The course also provides a survey of diverse environmental problems and approaches to addressing those problems.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Rrwolff21 Woodruff v. North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company Environmental toxicology, Trematoda in Kuwait
Gabrielramon43 Water supply and sanitation in Mexico
Gabyruelas Environmental toxicology
Mvaba00 Environmental archaeology Woodruff v. North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company, Energy in Laos
Marta.tkachuk Tiny house movement
EthanFio Coniology
Alekvuozzo Surf Climate Chage
Emmadart The Decomposition of Human Remains within Different Environments
Danielnunez 9386 Industrial waste
NaoBao Energy in Laos
Mr.nosilrub Climate change and ecosystems
Fkalrubaiee Trematoda in Kuwait Dispersed Camping, Environmental toxicology
Hpeoples98 Nimbus Dam
PleaseGiveMeAnA Cosmetics
Brian Monroy List of environmental organizations in the Sacramento region of California
Indybenipal Dispersed Camping Lake Tahoe Dam, Biomedical waste
Iles27 Biomedical waste Climate change affecting surf breaks, The enviornmental organizations in Sacramento/Northern California
Thomas997 Renewable energy in California Renewable energy in California
AlanNavai Nimbus Fish Hatchery
Ykhaleq Freshwater Fish in California
Tdaetaunm Sustainable design
MarketBoiCYM Pocket pet Environmental Impact of the Fur Trade, King Penguin (Climate Change)
Shannonnancysw King penguin
Kshea692 Environmental impacts of fur farming Biomedical waste
Mzkoya26 Pollution in California The Environmental Organizations in Sacramento/Northern California, Biomedical waste
Emilyboyd3 Lake Tahoe Dam
Haileywriter Artificial intelligence in heavy industry
Brunette2k16 Arctic sea ice decline
