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Wikipedia Resources
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This course provides the historical, scientific, legal, institutional, and economic background needed to understand the social and ecological challenges of providing water for California’s growing population, agricultural economy, and other uses - all of which are made more complex by climate change. We will look at past and current debates around cases ranging from local issues on the American River to statewide issues that converge in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Both physical and social science research skills will be developed.
In this Wikipedia assignment, you will contribute a new article or substantially to an existing article on a topic of your choice related to California water. Your topic could be a something physical, such as part of California's vast water infrastructure, or something societal, such as a policy topic related to California water governance. Your topic can be historical, contemporary, or something proposed.
Learning Objectives include: - gaining a deep understanding of a particular topic in California water, similar to a research paper assignment. - gaining media literacy and proficiency in an online platform that manages the world's largest public knowledge base. - gaining transferable research skills -- publication, peer review, citation, attribution, etc. -- in a unique website environment.