This Course
Wikipedia Resources
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Educational professionals are ethically obligated to use, and endorse, evidence-based strategies in practice. This assignment will allow you to apply critical thinking about the data and models that constitute evidence used to support the use of interventions aimed at improving educational outcomes for learners with special education needs. To assist you in this Wikipedia writing and research assignment, your instructor has created a list of topics. The topics include commonly used, and sometimes misunderstood, instructional practices or theories (i.e., applied behavior analysis, augmentative and alternative communication, learning styles, sensory integration) that are used with individuals with disabilities or general disability areas (i.e., autism). You will select at least one topic from this list. Alternatively, you may identify a different topic pending instructor approval. You will review existing Wikipedia articles on the topic, evaluate cited studies, and critique the appropriateness of citations used. In addition, you will conduct independent research on the topic that you will use to update existing articles or start a new Wikipedia article.