Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/Michigan State University/IAH 209 Autopsy (Spring 2016)

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Course name
IAH 209 Autopsy
Michigan State University
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2016-01-11 – 2016-05-15
Approximate number of student editors

Autopsy is about seeing. More than just a post-mortem, autopsy is first defined as the action or process of seeing with one’s own eyes. In this course we will concentrate on seeing with our own eyes to investigate questions like what does it mean to have a body? and what does it mean to be a body? We’ll look at the body and the various ways in which it has been examined, dissected, and displayed throughout history and across media. Through a variety of media (texts, images, films) and genres (scientific, historical, literary, artistic), we’ll explore the body itself as a complex cultural object, continually subject to modification by what we see and how we see it.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Slatere4 Dissection Dissection
Sheaalix Ehlers–Danlos syndrome
Parkeu19 Visual marketing Autopsy
Alliharju Gastric dilatation volvulus Autopsy
Swineha9 Mottle Body snatching
Britogissel Post-mortem photography Mummy
Fordcar4 Child abuse (skin signs) Lisa McPherson
Kuzavaam Medical humanities Medical humanities
Maymers7 Canine distemper
Kelli Broessel Beating heart cadaver Medical examiner
LindseyRenk Sports injury Visual culture
Mlgeorge925 Cryonics Funeral
Theresaquaderer Gross anatomy Dehumanization
Kosaskih Deathbed confession Body snatching
AudreyMMull Crime scene Death
Willclisham Pathology Pathology
Fungrach Body donation Cadaver
PILJOONG KANG Forensic photography Panoramic photography
Amstutz2 Putrefaction Roadkill
Haberme3 Behavioral enrichment Cadaver
Parmetaa Pepsi Globe Reverse logistics
Nguye432 Allotransplantation Contemporary art
Mcjamesw Peter Bergmann Case Peter Bergmann Case
ETB44 Jadwiga lenartowicz rylko Jadwiga lenartowicz rylko
Baileehall Seat belt Cremation
Lsherry9 Forensic nursing Visual arts by indigenous peoples of the Americas
Verhagem Forensic identification Fire breathing
Ashleynicole11 Crash test dummy Body culture studies
Juliestein016 Reality television Telenovela
Pcfernandez324 Sudden unexpected death syndrome Medical ethics
Florabaoxiao Grave goods Lindow man
MirrorLake23023 Dissection Dissection
Devours2 Resurrectionists in the United Kingdom
Xiaoxiao0727 Death The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp
Jernig13 Voluntary euthanasia Voluntary euthanasia
Djack21 Diener Visual culture
Kwilcox25 Swoosh Autopsy
Haitaoyu Cinema of China Sports photography
Aareanwooten Human resource management William Harvey
Doengesm Voluntary euthanasia
Goodell8 Histopathology Standard anatomical position
Hulings1 Suicide methods
Jacobhutchinson95 Lung cancer
Mastejma Organ donation Organ donation
Ashley oconnell Cardiac surgery Anatomical pathology
Honggengqi Cadaver Cadaver
Karraebed Child development Anatomy Act 1832
MariahBeebe Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Funeral
