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Everyone knows about the importance of home and hearth, but this concept differs radically throughout the world. The Spanish “cocina”, the kitchen as the heart of the home, appears in literature, film, theater, commercial enterprises and television. This course will examine historical, sociological, anthropological and psychological interpretations of food and food cultures. An understanding of how food and meals have evolved to create culture and memory as well as distance and otherness (You eat what?!) will augment students’ understanding of their relationship with culture, history, geography and themselves.
Using literature, food studies, visual media, and advertisements, we will examine how food perception, production, preparation, consumption, exchange, and representation structure individual and communal identities, as well as relations among individuals and communities around the globe. Our focus on this most basic of needs will allow us to analyze how food conveys and limits self-expression and creates relationships as well as delimits boundaries between individuals and groups. Materials will be drawn from a wide range of disciplines including, but not limited to, literary and gender studies, psychology, anthropology, history, sociology, and economics.