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Global health is an often repeated goal for motivated individuals, modern leaders of countries, and non-governmental organizations. Despite its modernity, this goal has been elusive for more than 100 years and despite scientific advancement. Critics highlight language of a new imperialism through aid programs, exoticizing through medical tourism, and the reification of traditional social hierarchies. We will examine the evolution over time and place of people and programs to improve health of “underserved” populations globally. Traditionally categorized as public health and efforts to achieve a just society, we will develop an evaluation tool for past programs and conceptualize future partnerships on both a local and international stage. To put this work into practice, students will be expected to develop and publish online a historical article regarding a medical missionary, global health scientist, or concept in missionary medicine. At the end of the course, students should conceptualize health and medical scientists through history, anthropology, global politics, and biomedicine