
The Wikicloset is a closet Users, or "Wikipedians", put themselves in by attempting to not disclose that they are Wikipedia Users and their editing of Wikipedia, in their day-to-day life. Wikicloseted can also be used to describe anyone who is hiding their editing or aspects of their editing, in day-to-day life, because of social pressure.

The use of anonymous user names may or may not be considered closeted, as it is difficult to prove who one is on the internet (a user name of "President of Russia" or "Psychic genious" doesn't prove that someone is one or the other). This points out the difference between anonymity and the closet. There is also a difference between bragging about editing Wikipedia and mentioning editing Wikipedia.

Everyone reads Wikipedia today. We provide coverage of things no ordinary encyclopedia would, such as article about individual tv show episodes, and the majority of people have cracked and begun using Wikipeia as a source.