Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2009-12-07/Election report

Election report

ArbCom election in full swing

The Arbitration Committee (ArbCom) is the peak body for resolving behavioural disputes on the English Wikipedia. Every December, the project holds elections to top up the ranks of the arbitrators, who are among the most experienced and respected Wikipedians. By the time of this publication, the annual ArbCom elections are at the halfway point, with another seven days to run until the close of voting at 23:59 UTC on 14 December. More than 670 Wikipedians have already cast their vote. An alphabetically sorted list of editors who have voted is maintained at Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2009/Voter log. The 2009 election will select as many as nine new arbitrators, who will begin their terms on 1 January 2010.

Requests for comment examining aspects of the overall ArbCom election process were closed on 25 November by UltraExactZZ, who posted this closing summary of the outcomes:

  • The Arbitration Committee shall consist of 18 Members elected to 2 Year Terms.
  • Arbitrators will be elected by Secret Ballot using the Securepoll extension.
  • Ballots will invite editors to Support or Oppose candidates.
  • Voters must have 150 mainspace edits before the election cycle to vote (Status Quo).