Wikipedia:Wikipedia can wait

The Cologne Cathedral took 600 years to finish. Surely this essay can wait a little longer?

Sometimes, it is important to realize that Wikipedia can wait. Wikipedia is always a work in progress. Oftentimes, what seems like an urgently needed edit or an immediate cause for deletion does not need to be acted on at the very moment. It is often this realization that can keep us cool or prevent us from exploding. Believe it or not, there are things more important than Wikipedia. Realizing this can keep us civil and allow us to assume good faith.

Here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Have patience; all good things come in time. Like Rome. Or the Apocalypse.
  • Don't lose perspective; Wikipedia is just a website, after all.
  • Prevent burnout; go read a book or watch TV. Or tend to your children?
  • Not everything on Wikipedia is urgent.
    • Corollary: Just because something on Wikipedia is not urgent doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Just not now.

So please, heed our advice. If you find your WikiStress level going through the roof and your cat is rubbing up against your legs demanding to be fed, close out Huggle. Stop constantly reloading your watchlist. Go forth and enjoy real life. Do something else.

Then, come back and update the page about whatever it was you did.