There is community consensus against this proposal. 33 users supported the proposal, 11 of them weakly or morally. 78 users opposed this proposal. The arguments from the supporters were not significantly stronger than the opposes. Specific problems cited by the opposers that should be addressed in any future proposals include:
1) The law of the instrument. When the only thing you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Similarly, the block, protect, and delete functions administrators are entrusted with form a set, and removing any of these results in situations where suboptimal solutions are implemented.
2) This proposal might create a second RfA. The community discussion required for the viewdeleted right could have it's standards inflated to the point where they are similar to RfA. Additionally, there are fears that moderatorship would become a de facto prerequisite for adminship, forcing an administrator candidate to go through two such discussions.
3) There is significant concern that the rights to be unbundled are the wrong ones. Some of the most critical and potentially controversial pieces of the administrator toolset are included in this package, which will make passing a moderator request almost as difficult as passing a RfA.
Tazerdadog (
11:10, 11 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]