I found the Tom Mendelsohn article on Ars Technica to be an entertaining read, and a curious reflection on the overly sensitive age in which we live. Praemonitus (talk) 19:25, 18 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I enjoyed the article as well, but I'm not sure I understand your comment. Do I understand your statement that we (humanity) are too sensitive? Ckoerner (talk) 16:21, 22 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I too was unsure of the meaning there. Was it meant that Tom Mendelsohn was too sensitive about the Wikipedia article's content? If there were a WP article about me, I would not want it to say untrue stuff about me. But there isn't anything overly sensitive about feeling that way; rather, it's the rational amount of sensitivity! Quercus solaris (talk) 23:27, 23 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
The Vice article is so absurd that I came away thinking that I had wasted three minutes of my life trying to read it. As an American, I would like to undertstand the UKIP better, but this didn't help. Cullen328Let's discuss it05:45, 28 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
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