Wilkes Basin

The Wilkes Basin is a large subglacial basin situated generally southward of George V Coast and westward of Prince Albert Mountains in East Antarctica. The feature is approximately 1400 km long and 400 km wide. The Wilkes Basin is considered to be the largest marine-based drainage basin in East Antarctica, and may be in a state of marine ice sheet instability, caused by warm water intrusion into the shelf cavities.[1]

  1. ^ Ricarda Winkelmann; Anders Levermann; Andy Ridgwell; Ken Caldeira (11 September 2015). "Combustion of available fossil fuel resources sufficient to eliminate the Antarctic Ice Sheet". Science Advances. 1 (8): e1500589. Bibcode:2015SciA....1E0589W. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1500589. PMC 4643791. PMID 26601273.