William Tolfrey

William Tolfrey (1778 – 4 January 1817, in Colombo) was a British civil servant in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka)[1] and translator of the Bible into Sinhalese.[2] The BFBS revised his translation from 1895 to 1910.

  1. ^ The Gentleman's Magazine: p. 185, 1818 "William Tolfrey. Died at Colombo, in Ceylon, Mr. William Tolfrey. He was suddenly attacked by a violent disorder, which in less than a fortnight carried him off on 4th Jan. 1817."
  2. ^ Language, religion, and ethnic assertiveness: p. 67 Kē. En. Ō Dharmadāsa – 1992 "In connection with the latter there were first the Bible translations undertaken as part of Evangelical activity. The first Bible translation into Sinhala in British times was by William Tolfrey, the Old Testament in 1819 and the New ..."