Windmill graph

Windmill graph
The Windmill graph Wd(5,4).
Verticesn(k – 1) + 1
Edgesnk(k − 1)/2
Girth3 if k > 2
Chromatic numberk
Chromatic indexn(k – 1)
Table of graphs and parameters

In the mathematical field of graph theory, the windmill graph Wd(k,n) is an undirected graph constructed for k ≥ 2 and n ≥ 2 by joining n copies of the complete graph Kk at a shared universal vertex. That is, it is a 1-clique-sum of these complete graphs.[1]

  1. ^ Gallian, J. A. (3 January 2007). "A dynamic survey of graph labeling" (PDF). Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. DS6: 1–58. MR 1668059.