Witch trials in France

Dominican Inquisitors and the Growth of Witch-phobia
Title page of De la démonomanie des sorciers (1580)
Exorcism of Madeleine Bavent during the Louviers possessions
The burning of a French midwife in a cage filled with black cats

The Witch trials in France are poorly documented, mainly because a lot of the documents of former witch trials have not been preserved, and no number can therefore be given for the executions of witch trials in France or the true extent of them.[1] While there is much secondary information about witch trials in France, the poor state of documentation often makes them hard to confirm.[1]

As no national Witchcraft Act was enacted in France, they fell under the jurisdiction of local courts and the witch hunt differed between regions. The witch trials of Northern France fell under the jurisdiction of the Parlement of Paris, which was normally not liberal in enforcing the death penalty. However, the local courts did not always defer to Paris, which is another contributing factor to the difficulty in estimating the witch hunt in France. Present day North Eastern France is known to have experienced a severe witch hunt, close to the border of the territories of the Catholic Prince Bishops as it was, but at that point this, part of France belonged to the Holy Roman Empire.

  1. ^ a b Stuart Clark & William Monter: Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 4: The Period of the Witch Trials