
Wocekiye (Lakota: Wočhékiye) is a Lakota language term meaning "to call on for aid," "to pray," and "to claim relationship with".[1] It refers to a practice among Lakota and Dakota people engaged in both the traditional Lakota religion as well as forms of Christianity.

Central to the Lakota's spiritual practice is Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka, or the Great Mystery. Their primary cultural prophet is Ptesáŋwiŋ, White Buffalo Calf Woman, who came as an intermediary between Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka and humankind to teach them how to be good relatives by introducing the Seven Sacred Rites and the čhaŋnúŋpa (sacred pipe).

The traditional social system of the Sioux (Očhéthi Šakówiŋ) extended beyond human interaction into the supernatural realms.[2] It is believed that Wakȟáŋ Tháŋka ("Great Spirit/Great Mystery") created the universe and embodies everything in the universe as one. The preeminent symbol of Sioux religion is the Čhaŋgléska Wakȟaŋ ("sacred hoop"), which visually represents the concept that everything in the universe is intertwined.

  1. ^ Riggs, Stephen Return "A Dakota - English Dictionary" Government Printing Office. 1890.
  2. ^ Ruml, Mark (2010). "Mitákuye Owás'į (All My Relatives): Dakota Wiconi (Way of Life) and Wicozani Waste (Well-Being)". Aboriginal Policy Research. 6 (3–4). Thompson Educational Publishing: 187–202.