Wood Bay Formation

Wood Bay Formation
Stratigraphic range: PragianEmsian
Unit ofAndrée Land Group
UnderliesGrey Hoek Formation
OverliesBen Nevis Formation
RegionSpitsbergen, Svalbard
Country Norway

The Wood Bay Series is a geologic formation found on the island of Spitsbergen, Svalbard in Norway. It preserves fossils dating back to the PragianEmsian stages of the Devonian period.[1]

  1. ^ Pernègre, V.N.; Blieck, A. (2016). "A revised heterostracan-based ichthyostratigraphy of the Wood Bay Formation (Lower Devonian, Spitsbergen), and correlation with Russian Arctic archipelagos". Geodiversitas. 38 (1): 5–20. doi:10.5252/g2016n1a1. S2CID 55307211.