Works based on Alice in Wonderland

Feeding the Rabbits also known as Alice in Wonderland by Frederick Morgan (1856-1927)
The public domain status of the novel Alice in Wonderland allows it and its characters to be freely remixed. In 2010, artist David Revoy received the CG Choice Award for his work "Alice in Wonderland".

Lewis Carroll's books Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1871) have been highly popular in their original forms, and have served as the basis for many subsequent works since they were published. They have been adapted directly into other media, their characters and situations have been appropriated into other works, and these elements have been referenced innumerable times as familiar elements of shared culture. Simple references to the two books are too numerous to list; this list of works based on Alice in Wonderland focuses on works based specifically and substantially on Carroll's two books about the character of Alice.

Carolyn Sigler[1] has shown that Carroll's two great fantasies inspired dozens of imitations, responses, and parodies during the remainder of the nineteenth century and the first part of the twentieth — so many that Carroll at one point began his own collection of Alice imitations. In 1887, one critic even suggested that Carroll had plagiarized Tom Hood's From Nowhere to the North Pole (1875) when writing Alice — although Hood's work came out ten years after Alice and was one of its many imitations.[2]

In 1907, copyright on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland expired in the UK, entering the tale into the public domain. The primary wave of Alice-inspired works slackened after about 1920, though Carroll's influence on other writers has never fully waned.

  1. ^ Sigler, Carolyn, ed. Alternative Alices: Visions and Revisions of Lewis Carroll's "Alice" Books. Lexington, KY, University Press of Kentucky, 1997.
  2. ^ Sigler, p. 206.