Wu Mingche

Wu Mingche (吳明徹) (512[1] – 24 August 580[2]), courtesy name Tongzhao (通昭), was a Chinese military general and politician of the Chinese Chen Dynasty. He first served under the dynasty's founder Emperor Wu but became the most prominent general of the state during the reign of Emperor Wu's nephew Emperor Xuan, successfully commanding the Chen army in seizing the region between the Yangtze River and the Huai River from rival Northern Qi. After Northern Qi was destroyed by Northern Zhou, however, Wu was defeated and captured by the Northern Zhou general Wang Gui (王軌). After he was taken to the Northern Zhou capital Chang'an, he died in anger.

  1. ^ However, Wu Mingche's epitaph claimed that he was 77 (by East Asian reckoning) when he died in Aug 580. If the epitaph is correct, his birth year should be 504.
  2. ^ Wu Mingche's biography in Book of Chen indicate that he was 67 (by East Asian reckoning) when he died soon after his capture by Northern Zhou, while Emperor Xuan's biography in the same work indicate that he was captured on 20 March 578 ([太建十年]二月甲子,北讨众军败绩于吕梁,司空吴明彻及将卒已下,并为周军所获。). However, according to his epitaph, he died on the 28th day of the 7th month of the 2nd year of the Da'xiang era of Yuwen Yong's reign, which corresponds to 24 Aug 580 in the Julian calendar. The epitaph (by Yu Xin and found in vol.947 of Wenyuan Yinghua) is reproduced here (in Chinese): (《周大将军怀德公吴明彻墓志铭》:宣政元年,届于东都之亭,有诏释其鸾镳,蠲其衅社。始弘就馆之礼,即受登坛之策。拜持节、大将军、必德郡开国公,邑二千户。归平津之馆,时闻枥马之嘶;舍广城之传,裁见诸侯之客。廉颇眷恋,宁闻更用之期;李广盘桓,无复前驱之望。霸陵醉尉,侵辱可知;东陵故侯,生平已矣。大象二年七月二十八日,气疾增暴,奄然宾馆,春秋七十七,即以其年八月十九日寄瘗于京兆万年县之东郊,诏赠某官,谥某,礼也。 江东八千子弟,从项籍而不归;海岛五百军人,为田横而俱死焉。呜呼哀哉!毛修之埋于塞表,流落不存;陆平原败于河桥,生死惭恨。反公孙之柩,方且未期;归连尹之尸,竟知何日?游魂羁旅,足伤温序之心;玄夜思归,终有苏昭之梦。遂使广平之里;永滞冤魂,汝南之亭,长闻夜哭。呜呼哀哉。乃为铭曰:九河宅土,三江贡职。彼美中邦,君之封殖。负才矜智,乘危恃力。浮磬戢麟,孤桐垂翼。五兵早竭,一鼓前衰。移营减灶,空幕禽飞。羊皮讵赎?画马何追?荀永去,随会无归。存没俄顷,光阴怆凄。岳裂中台,星空上将。眷言妻子,悠然亭障。魂或可招,丧何可望。壮志沈沦,雄图埋没。西陇足抵,黄尘碎骨。何处池台?谁家风月?坟隧羁远,营魂流寓。霸岸无封,平陵不树。壮士之陇,将军之墓。何代何年,还成武库?〈《文苑英华》九百四十七)