XI Corps (Ottoman Empire)

XI Corps
On Birinci Kolordu
Country Ottoman Empire
Garrison/HQVan, Ma'murat-ül Aziz
Patron Ottoman Sultan
EngagementsCaucasus Campaign (World War I)
Battle of Sarikamish
Mirliva Galip Pasha
Mirliva Abdülkerim Pasha
Miralay Selâhattin Âdil Bey (1916-October 20, 1916[1])

The XI Corps of the Ottoman Empire (Turkish: 11 nci Kolordu or On Birinci Kolordu) was one of the corps of the Ottoman Army. It was formed in the early 20th century during Ottoman military reforms.

  1. ^ T.C. Genelkurmay Harp Tarihi Başkanlığı Yayınları, Türk İstiklâl Harbine Katılan Tümen ve Daha Üst Kademelerdeki Komutanların Biyografileri, Genkurmay Başkanlığı Basımevi, Ankara, 1972, p. 118. (in Turkish)