XQuery API for Java

Developer(s)Java Community Process
Stable release
1.0 / 24 June 2009 (2009-06-24)
TypeData Access API
WebsiteJSR 225: XQuery API for Java
General architecture of how an XQJ driver is used to communicate with an XML Database from Java Applications.

XQuery API for Java (XQJ) refers to the common Java API for the W3C XQuery 1.0 specification.

The XQJ API enables Java programmers to execute XQuery against an XML data source (e.g. an XML database) while reducing or eliminating vendor lock in.

The XQJ API provides Java developers with an interface to the XQuery Data Model.[1] Its design is similar to the JDBC API which has a client/server feel and as such lends itself well to Server-based XML Databases and less well to client-side XQuery processors, although the "connection" part is a very minor part of the entire API. Users of the XQJ API can bind Java values to XQuery expressions, preventing code injection attacks.[2] Also, multiple XQuery expressions can be executed as part of an atomic transaction.