Zaynab bent Youssef

Zaynab bent Youssef Ibn ‘Abd al-Moumen (Arabic: زينب بنت يوسف بن عبد المومن; c. late 12th century – c. early 13th century ?)[1] was an Almohad princess who took part at conferences on the sources of the law,[2] she went down in history as a learned woman.[1] She was the daughter of Almohad caliph Abu Yaqub Yusuf.[3]

  1. ^ a b Glacier, Osire; PhD. "Zaynab, la fille du calife almohade Abou Yacoub Youssef (fin du 12ème siècle – première moitié du 13ème siècle ?) | Études marocaines, Osire Glacier" (in French). Retrieved 2022-10-15.
  2. ^ El Bouhsini, Latifa. "Les rescapées de lʼoubli dans les écrits et dans lʼhistoriographie du Maroc entre le XIème et le XIVème siècle" (PDF). p. 25.
  3. ^ El Bouhsini, Latifa. "Survivors of Oblivion in Moroccan Sources and Historiography from the XIth to the XIVth Century". Hespéris-Tamuda LVI (1) (2021): 17-33 (PDF) (in French). p. 25. Zaynab bent Youssef Ibn 'Abd al-Moumen the Almohad who took part in conferences on the sources of the law