Zygomatic nerve

Zygomatic nerve
Lateral view of the nerves of the orbit. The zygomatic nerve is visible at bottom centre branching from the maxillary nerve.
FromMaxillary nerve
ToZygomaticotemporal nerve

zygomaticofacial nerve

communicating branch to lacrimal nerve
InnervatesSkin over temporal bone and zygomatic bone
Latinnervus zygomaticus
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The zygomatic nerve is a branch of the maxillary nerve (itself a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)). It arises in the pterygopalatine fossa and enters the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure before dividing into its two terminal branches: the zygomaticotemporal nerve and zygomaticofacial nerve.

Through its branches, the zygomatic nerve provides sensory invervation to skin over the zygomatic bone and the temporal bone. It also carries post-ganglionic parasympathetic axons to the lacrimal gland.

It may be blocked by anaesthetising the maxillary nerve.