Zygomaticus major muscle

Zygomaticus major
Muscles of the head, face, and neck. Zygomaticus major shown in red.
OriginAnterior of zygomatic
InsertionModiolus of the mouth
ArteryFacial artery
NerveZygomatic and buccal branches of the facial nerve
ActionsDraws the angle of the mouth upward laterally
Latinmusculus zygomaticus major
Anatomical terms of muscle

The zygomaticus major muscle is a muscle of the face. It arises from either zygomatic arch (cheekbone); it inserts at the corner of the mouth. It is innervated by branches of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII).

It is a muscle of facial expression, which draws the angle of the mouth superiorly and posteriorly to allow one to smile. Bifid zygomaticus major muscle is a notable variant, and may cause cheek dimples.